The main factors that affect the flame retardancy of non-woven fabrics



  First,conventional polyester cotton limit oxygen index of 20-22(oxygen content in the air of 21%),is a kind of combustible fiber,easy to ignite,but the burning rate is slower.

  Second,if the modified denaturation of polyester chips have a flame retardant effect.Most of the long-acting flame retardant fibers use denatured polyester chips to produce non-combustible polyester cotton.The main modifier is phosphorus series compounds.The use of phosphorus in high heat will combine with the oxygen in the air to achieve good oxygen reduction The flame retardant effect.

  Third,another way to make polyester flame retardant method for the surface treatment,such products that after several processing agents will reduce the flame retardant effect.

  Fourth,the polyester cotton have high heat shrinkage will encounter the characteristics of the flame when the flame due to contraction from the flame is not easy to ignite,resulting in an appropriate flame retardant effect.

  Fifth,the polyester cotton have high heat will melt drooping,polyester melt lit drip phenomenon can take away part of the

  Heat and flame,produce appropriate flame retardant effect.

  VI,but if the fiber is easy to burn with grease or grease can be used to shape the polyester silicone oil,polyester cotton will reduce the flame retardant effect.

  Seven,increase the flame retardant polyester resin,in addition to the use of flame retardant modified polyester chip production of polyester,the fiber surface using a high content of phosphate oil for post-processing can also increase the flame retardant effect of the fiber.Phosphate because of high heat release of phosphorus molecules will combine with the oxygen molecules in the air at the same time reduce the oxygen content in the air,to increase the flame retardant properties.